Online (Zoom) and In-Person Mediator. Arbitrator, Special Master. ADR Services. Asbestos & Mass Tort Neutral.




ADR Services

Arbitrator, Mediator and ADR Services Available Online (Zoom) and In-Person

Alternative Dispute Resolution is as popular as ever and the wave of the future. Yet parties and counsel often search in vain for completely neutral, independent, effective and cost conscious ADR neutrals. The choices can seem mind boggling and users often complain about lack of satisfaction with the process and available professionals. Philip Goldstein, an award-winning, seasoned former BigLaw partner, entered this crowded field with the determination that he has the skills and training necessary to provide parties and counsel with the choice of an ideal neutral. Whether you are looking for a mediator, arbitrator, other ADR services such as Early Neutral Evaluation or Special Master services, or advice from an experienced and highly trained practitioner, Mr. Goldstein will meet your needs.

Mr. Goldstein recently expanded his suite of offerings to include online Zoom mediations and other ADR services. This very effective platform and an experienced, trustworthy mediator such as Philip Goldstein provides users with an ideal path to resolve disputes — particularly during this extraordinarily difficult time of a pandemic.

Interested in learning more about the ADR Office of Philip Goldstein? Email or call Mr. Goldstein and he will promptly respond to your inquiry.

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